5 Ways to Effectively Engage Your NFT Community in Discord

5 Ways to Effectively Engage Your NFT Community in Discord

NFT space, building a community is integral and non-negotiable. In this context, community does not only mean the NFT owner's set of potential buyers but also the peers with whom they can genuinely share their interests. 

The community will keep the discussions going. If a clear vision and a well-thought-out and detailed roadmap guides an NFT project, the community members themselves will spread the word even without motivation from the creators.

The social messaging platform Discord is a bustling place for all things NFT. Users have leveraged the space to build audiences--communities. In the past, Discord was a haven for gamers and developers. Now it has become a vibrant place for discussions, announcements, and sharing NFTs.

Before we discuss how Discord services NFT communities, let us first look at some key considerations for using the platform: demographics, marketing funnel level, and pertinent features.

Your Demographics: 

You need to determine the age range of your intended audience. In general, those who join Discord belong to the youth sector. They are individuals who are interested in tech and can use it at full capacity.

Marketing Funnel Level: 

Discord is for project clients near the last leg of their journey as buyers. They sold the idea of buying the product or have already purchased the NFT collection. The mere presence of the individuals in the community signals they believe in the NFT space.

Pertinent Features:

Using Discord means you have confidence that its function and various features will serve your goal. The platform is capable of audio and video calls and even NFT support.

These features make Discord a viable venue to foster NFT communities. So if there's a project you've been itching to release, Discord's the place to do it. Here are five ways you can use Discord to build and engage your NFT community.


5 Ways You Can Foster and Engage Your NFT Community

There are countless of ways on how you can both engage your NFT and foster an online community. Here are some of them:

  • Designate users as moderators
  • Create events
  • Recognize active users
  • Have originality
  • Feature users' talents

Designate Users as Moderators

Moderators help in keeping NFT communities constantly engaged. One of your team members, preferably among the most active ones, can take on the role. As a project owner, you can initiate this by delegating the post to the user. 

A moderator leads in community organization and helps run operations smoothly. Moderators are expected to answer questions about the project smartly. They should handle the NFT community with great enthusiasm and rapport.

If you own an NFT project, here are some things you need to consider when picking a moderator:

  • Make sure the user understands your server's goals
  • Ensure that the user is a believer and an advocate of NFTs
  • Determine if the user is well-versed with the specifics of the projects. You can sit down with the user to lay out all the project's details. The candidate is strongly advised to read the project's white paper should it be readily available. This helps the user to know all of the project's technicalities. 

You may also incorporate a bot into the moderation process. As bots automate procedures, they give the human moderator more time to pursue project-related knowledge and professional development.

However, integrating bots may come with drawbacks. Users are not particularly drawn to communities that are primarily managed by bots. They tend to think that the project is a scam due to the lack of human interaction. As this is the case, project owners should find the right balance in delegating tasks to human moderators and bot moderators.

Create Events

Holding events is a good way to engage community members. NFT project owners, with the help of moderators, may host contests and tournaments. It is also recommendable that the events are used as a tool to educate users about certain things about the project and the NFT space itself. This brings greater awareness and allows the members to make informed decisions about their involvement with the project. 

Ask-Me-Anythings or AMAs are events held by project owners to provide information about their NFT projects. As the name suggests, users ask anything about the project through these sessions. The project owners, developers, and founders are usually heavily involved in AMAs. They answer questions in real-time and inform community members of changes and developments in the project.

Discord events allow for healthy interactions among the members of an NFT project.

Recognize Active Users

Ideal NFT communities uplift their active members by recognizing their efforts. Through them, the community receives more engagement and gains traction. They can even assist in testing new features and developments of the project that allow project owners insight into how they could improve more. 

Have Originality

Easier said than done, establishing originality in your NFT project takes work. To be honest, there are no original ideas. The only thing that project owners can be original with is their point of attack. They can provide exclusive offerings to stand out. And the way by which this could work is if they know in themselves that they are genuine about their intentions.

Feature Users' Talents

When project owners allow community members to showcase their talents and capabilities is a good and fruitful way to engage them. This espouses in them a feeling of being seen and valued. In turn, the project owner's gesture may inspire them to do their project. 


Make the Best Out of Discord

Remember, while creators give vision and life to their NFT projects, it is the community that ensures their survival. 

Simply put, NFT projects need the community become a complete project. And while these tips need not be followed to a tee to foster your community, establishing a semblance of them will do your project good.

One thing that project owners have to remember is that Discord is not a marketing platform. It is where they can genuinely interact with their audience in light of common interests.